The basic components of the JS-EDEN environment are

In using the JS-EDEN environment in its current form, it is most appropriate to use an external text editor (such as Notepad++ on Windows) to create JS-EDEN input, and cut-and-paste this into the Eden Interpreter Window. Note that if you refresh the webpage the input you have given may otherwise be lost!

You can inspect the observables and agents in the current construal via the Observables & Agents panel. To use this most effectively, you need to select specific observables by typing a regular expression (RE) into the search box at the top of the panel. (By default, this panel displays all the observables and agents in the JS-EDEN environment, only some of which are specific to the construal of current interest.) There are two ways in which you can interact with the observables in a construal via the Observables & Agents panel. If you hover over the name of an observable whose value is implicitly defined, its definition will be displayed. If you click on the name of an observable, this will bring up a textbox in which you can edit its definition.

The content of the Model Readme is determined by an HTML source that you specify by entering a command of the following form into the Eden Interpreter Window:

html(HTML source within quotation marks (""));

For instance, you can enter:

html("Model Readme");

to generate a heading for your Model Readme.