liver is Rectangle(25,215,70,70,"brown"); ## blood is Rectangle(40,40,580,100,"red"); blood is Circle(250,250,200,"red", "red"); organs is Circle(250,250,180,"white", "white"); bloodrad = 200; bloodwidth = 20; blood is Circle(250,250,bloodrad,"red", "red"); organs is Circle(250,250,bloodrad-bloodwidth,"white", "red"); sporozoites is Circle(600,90, 5,"green","white"); livercentre is [60, 250]; livercell is Circle(livercentre[1],livercentre[2], 15, "yellow", "black"); ## library functions ... PI = 3.14159265358979; func sin { ${{ var x1 = arguments[0]; return Math.sin(x1); }}$; }; func cos { ${{ var x1 = arguments[0]; return Math.cos(x1); }}$; }; ## picture is [blood, liver, sporozoites, livercell]; ## get sporozoites to migrate loc0 = [460,250]; sporolocx is loc0[1]; sporolocy is loc0[2]; spororad = 5; sporozoites is Circle(sporolocx, sporolocy, spororad, "green","white"); /* ## when sporozoites are in circulation ... phi is theta - ... ; loc0 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(phi), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(phi)]; */ ## sporozoites circulate in the blood centtarget = [250,250]; theta = 0; cyclepoint is Text("*", centtarget[1]+ 150*cos(15*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- 150*sin(15*PI/15+theta), "black"); loc1 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(2*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(2*PI/15+theta)]; loc2 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(4*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(4*PI/15+theta)]; loc3 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(6*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(6*PI/15+theta)]; loc4 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(8*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(8*PI/15+theta)]; loc5 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(10*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(10*PI/15+theta)]; loc6 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(12*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(12*PI/15+theta)]; loc7 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(14*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(14*PI/15+theta)]; loc8 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(16*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(16*PI/15+theta)]; loc9 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(18*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(18*PI/15+theta)]; loc10 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(20*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(20*PI/15+theta)]; loc11 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(22*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(22*PI/15+theta)]; loc12 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(24*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(24*PI/15+theta)]; loc13 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(26*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(26*PI/15+theta)]; loc14 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(28*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(28*PI/15+theta)]; loc15 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(30*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(30*PI/15+theta)]; bcrad = 6; bloodcorp1 is Circle(loc1[1], loc1[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp2 is Circle(loc2[1], loc2[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp3 is Circle(loc3[1], loc3[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp4 is Circle(loc4[1], loc4[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp5 is Circle(loc5[1], loc5[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp6 is Circle(loc6[1], loc6[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp7 is Circle(loc7[1], loc7[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp8 is Circle(loc8[1], loc8[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp9 is Circle(loc9[1], loc9[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp10 is Circle(loc10[1], loc10[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp11 is Circle(loc11[1], loc11[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp12 is Circle(loc12[1], loc12[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp13 is Circle(loc13[1], loc13[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp14 is Circle(loc14[1], loc14[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp15 is Circle(loc15[1], loc15[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); picture is [blood, organs, liver, livercell, sporozoites, bloodcorp1, bloodcorp2, bloodcorp3, bloodcorp4, bloodcorp5, bloodcorp6, bloodcorp7, bloodcorp8, bloodcorp9, bloodcorp10, bloodcorp11, bloodcorp12, bloodcorp13, bloodcorp14, bloodcorp15]; bloodspeed = 10; ## higher value means slower circulation rate bloodspeed = 100; steps = 0; proc bloodcirc { after (bloodspeed) { steps++; bloodcirc(); } } theta is (steps % 300) * 2 * PI/300; bloodcirc(); mosquitobite is Button("bite", ((loc0[1] == 460) ? "Mosquito bites" : "Mosquito has bitten"), 480, 250, loc0[1]==460); picture is (spororad < 15) ? [explanation, mosquitobite, blood, organs, cyclepoint, sporesgrow, liver, livercell, sporozoites, bloodcorp1, bloodcorp2, bloodcorp3, bloodcorp4, bloodcorp5, bloodcorp6, bloodcorp7, bloodcorp8, bloodcorp9, bloodcorp10, bloodcorp11, bloodcorp12, bloodcorp13, bloodcorp14, bloodcorp15] : [explanation, mosquitobite, blood, organs, cyclepoint, sporesgrow, liver, livercell, sporozoites, bloodcorp1, bloodcorp2, bloodcorp3, bloodcorp4, bloodcorp5, bloodcorp6, bloodcorp7, bloodcorp8, bloodcorp9, bloodcorp10, bloodcorp11, bloodcorp12, bloodcorp13, bloodcorp14, bloodcorp15, merozoite1, merozoite2, merozoite3, merozoite4]; proc bitten : bite_clicked { auto theta0; if (bite_clicked) { theta0 = theta; phi is theta - theta0; loc0 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(phi), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(phi)]; } } func ptsnear { para p, q, near; auto result; result = (((p[1]-q[1])*(p[1]-q[1])+(p[2]-q[2])*(p[2]-q[2]))<(near*near)); return result; } sporoinliver is ptsnear(livercentre,loc0,10); proc mksporogrow : sporoinliver { if (sporoinliver&&(loc0!=livercentre)) { loc0 = livercentre; } } sporesgrow is Button("sporesgrow", ((spororad == 5) ? "Spores become active" : "Growth of spores has been triggered"), 130, 250, (spororad == 5)&&(loc0==livercentre)); proc sporogrow : sporesgrow_clicked { if (loc0 == livercentre) { after (1000) { if (spororad < 15) { spororad++; sporogrow(); } } } } currentstate is (sporolocx == 460) ? "Body is free of infection" : (!sporoinliver) ? "Stage 1: Sporozoites travel to the liver" : ((sporoinliver && (spororad<15)) ? "Stage 2: Sporozoites invade liver cells and - when activated - grow and divide to produce merozoites" : "Stage 3: Merozoites exit the liver calls" ); explanation is Text(currentstate, 20, 40, "black"); merodisp = 5; merorad = 4; mero1x is livercentre[1]+merodisp; mero1y is livercentre[2]+merodisp; mero2x is livercentre[1]-merodisp; mero2y is livercentre[2]+merodisp; mero3x is livercentre[1]-merodisp; mero3y is livercentre[2]-merodisp; mero4x is livercentre[1]+merodisp; mero4y is livercentre[2]-merodisp; merozoites is [merozoite1, merozoite2, merozoite3, merozoite4]; merozoite1 is Circle(mero1x, mero1y, merorad, "blue", "blue"); merozoite2 is Circle(mero2x, mero2y, merorad, "blue", "blue"); merozoite3 is Circle(mero3x, mero3y, merorad, "blue", "blue"); merozoite4 is Circle(mero4x, mero4y, merorad, "blue", "blue"); ############################################## totalnumrbcs = 30000000000000; noofinfectablebcs0 = 900000000000; noofinfectablebcs = noofinfectablebcs0; propinfbcs is bcinfnum / totalnumrbcs; freeinblood is (spororad==15) ? 2000 : 0; bcinfnum = 0.0; bcsinfpercluster is int(bcinfnum/15); bcinfection is [bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster]; merocount is freeinblood + bcinfnum; circuits = 0; func powerof2 { para n; auto result; result = 1; while (n>0) { result = 2 * result; n--; } return result; } alpha = 0.930; beta = 0.5; gamma = 0.2; divisionstage = -1; nohostcellsfordiv = 0; merotobekilled = false; onetoabc is int(bcinfnum * alpha); dividing is (divisionstage>=0) ? int(bcinfnum * (1-alpha) * powerof2(divisionstage)) : 0; textnumofinfectablerbcs is Text("Number of infectable RBCs: " // str(noofinfectablebcs),20,20, "red"); textfreeinblood is Text("Number of merozoites free in blood: " // str(freeinblood), 20,40, "blue"); textinbcs is Text("Number of merozoites sited one to a blood cell: " // str(onetoabc), 20,60, "blue"); textdividing is Text("Number of merozoites generated by division in " // str(nohostcellsfordiv) // " blood cells: " // str(dividing), 20, 80, "blue"); buttenterbc is Button("RBCEntry", "Proportion " // str(beta) // " of free merozoites enter bcs", 20, 120, divisionstage==-1); buttkillinf is Button("MeroKill", "Proportion " // str(1.00-gamma) // " of free merozoites killed", 20, 150, merotobekilled); buttmerodiv is Button("MeroDiv", "Proportion " // str((100 - 100*alpha)/100) // " of embedded merozoites divide stage-by-stage", 20, 180, divisionstage>=0); ## buttnewbcsgen is Button("GenBCs", "Introduce " // str(noofinfectablebcs0) // " new blood cells, together with " // str(int((1.000-alpha)*bcinfnum)) // " to replace the exploded cells, that can be infected", 20, 210, divisionstage==-1); ## picture is [textnumofinfectablerbcs, textfreeinblood, textinbcs, textdividing, buttenterbc, buttkillinf, buttmerodiv, buttnewbcsgen]; ## picture is [textnumofinfectablerbcs, textfreeinblood, textinbcs, textdividing, buttenterbc, buttkillinf, buttmerodiv]; proc infectRBCs : RBCEntry_clicked { if (RBCEntry_clicked) { bcinfnum = bcinfnum + int(beta * freeinblood); freeinblood = int((1-beta) * freeinblood); divisionstage = 0; nohostcellsfordiv = dividing; merotobekilled = true; } } proc killmeros : MeroKill_clicked { if (MeroKill_clicked) { freeinblood = int(gamma * freeinblood); merotobekilled = false; } } proc merosdivide : MeroDiv_clicked { if (MeroDiv_clicked) { if ((divisionstage>=0) && (divisionstage < 4)) divisionstage++; else if (divisionstage == 4){ bcinfnum = onetoabc; freeinblood = freeinblood + dividing; divisionstage = -1; noofinfectablebcs = noofinfectablebcs0 + nohostcellsfordiv; nohostcellsfordiv = 0; } } } circuits = 0; proc simulatestep { RBCEntry_clicked = true; MeroKill_clicked = true; merodivide(); circuits++; } proc merodivide { if (divisionstage != -1) { MeroDiv_clicked = true; merodivide(); } } proc simulateproc { after (100) { simulatestep(); if (freeinblood < noofinfectablebcs) simulateproc(); } } ################################ proc onecircuit : steps { if ((spororad==15)&&(steps == (int(steps/300)*300)) && (infpercentage<3)) simulatestep(); }; ## visualise according to number of decimal digits in the merozoite count func ntodecls { para n; auto result; result = []; while (n>0) { result = result // [int(n%10)]; n = int(n/10); } return result; } bcsinfdiglen is ntodecls(bcsinfpercluster); bloodcorpinf1 is Circle(loc1[1], loc1[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf2 is Circle(loc2[1], loc2[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf3 is Circle(loc3[1], loc3[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf4 is Circle(loc4[1], loc4[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf5 is Circle(loc5[1], loc5[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf6 is Circle(loc6[1], loc6[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf7 is Circle(loc7[1], loc7[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf8 is Circle(loc8[1], loc8[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf9 is Circle(loc9[1], loc9[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf10 is Circle(loc10[1], loc10[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf11 is Circle(loc11[1], loc11[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf12 is Circle(loc12[1], loc12[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf13 is Circle(loc13[1], loc13[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf14 is Circle(loc14[1], loc14[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf15 is Circle(loc15[1], loc15[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); rbccount = totalnumrbcs; unitrbc is rbccount / 15; ## have visualised 15 groups of rbc's ## for P Vivax a high level of infection would be 3% - say 1 trillion rbc infected ## 2 to the power 40 is around a trillion infpercentage is (merocount * 100)/rbccount; picture is (spororad < 15) ? [cyclepoint, explanation, mosquitobite, blood, organs, cyclepoint, sporesgrow, liver, livercell, sporozoites, bloodcorp1, bloodcorp2, bloodcorp3, bloodcorp4, bloodcorp5, bloodcorp6, bloodcorp7, bloodcorp8, bloodcorp9, bloodcorp10, bloodcorp11, bloodcorp12, bloodcorp13, bloodcorp14, bloodcorp15] : [cyclepoint, explanation, mosquitobite, blood, organs, cyclepoint, sporesgrow, liver, livercell, sporozoites, bloodcorp1, bloodcorp2, bloodcorp3, bloodcorp4, bloodcorp5, bloodcorp6, bloodcorp7, bloodcorp8, bloodcorp9, bloodcorp10, bloodcorp11, bloodcorp12, bloodcorp13, bloodcorp14, bloodcorp15, bloodcorpinf1, bloodcorpinf2, bloodcorpinf3, bloodcorpinf4, bloodcorpinf5, bloodcorpinf6, bloodcorpinf7, bloodcorpinf8, bloodcorpinf9, bloodcorpinf10, bloodcorpinf11, bloodcorpinf12, bloodcorpinf13, bloodcorpinf14, bloodcorpinf15, merozoite1, merozoite2, merozoite3, merozoite4]; ## additions 29/12/2011 ## blood is Circle(250,250,200,"red", "red"); ## organs is Circle(250,250,180,"white", "white"); bloodrad = 205; bloodwidth = 30; blood is Circle(250,250,bloodrad,"red", "red"); organs is Circle(250,250,bloodrad-bloodwidth,"white", "red"); ## makes blood band 30 pixels wide, and makes inner rim of blood band red bcrad = 11; ## this radius gives room to visualise the biggest levels of infection that make sense ## if we visualise only the vulnerable RBCs, then this number may increase as the simulation goes on ## - proportion of young RBCs increases func char { ${{ var x1 = arguments[0]; s = "%" + (Number(x1).toString(16)); return unescape(s); }}$; }; func octaltr { para n; if (n<10) return(str(n)); else return char(97 + n - 10); } ## function round() doesn't exist in JS-Eden func round { para x; return ((x - int(x))>=0.5) ? int(x)+1 : int(x); } func rgb2color { para redval, greenval, blueval; auto s, i; ## check values are in allowable 0-255 range if ((redval<0)||(greenval<0)||(blueval<0)|| (redval>255)||(greenval>255)||(blueval>255)) error("colour out of range"); ## round to nearest integer - need to have each component as a strict 2 + character length hex number - can't deal with real numbers directly, and don't need to? redval = round(redval); greenval = round(greenval); blueval = round(blueval); ## use the c func to get the string back ## s = ""; ## sprintf(s,"#%02x%02x%02x",redval,greenval,blueval); s = "#" // octaltr(int(redval/16)) // octaltr(int(redval - int(redval/16)*16)) // octaltr(int(greenval/16)) // octaltr(int(greenval - int(greenval/16)*16)) // octaltr(int(blueval/16)) // octaltr(int(blueval - int(blueval/16)*16)); return s; } ## changing the colour of the blood ... ## blood is Circle(250,250,205,rgb2color(255,255,0), "red"); rb = 255; gb = 0; bb = 0; ## blood is Circle(250,250,205,rgb2color(rb,gb,bb), "red"); blood is Circle(250,250,bloodrad,rgb2color(rb,gb,bb), "red"); rb is 255 - 10 * ntodecls(freeinblood)#; gb is 15 * ntodecls(freeinblood)#; ################################# gametes = 0; buttmerodiv is Button("MeroDiv", "Proportion " // str((100 - 100*alpha)/100) // " of embedded merozoites divide stage-by-stage and are released into the bloodstream; others mature and are released as gametocytes", 20, 180, divisionstage>=0); proc merosdivide : MeroDiv_clicked { if (MeroDiv_clicked) { if ((divisionstage>=0) && (divisionstage < 4)) divisionstage++; else if (divisionstage == 4){ bcinfnum = onetoabc - int(nohostcellsfordiv/64 * 3); freeinblood = freeinblood + dividing; gametes = gametes + int(nohostcellsfordiv/64 * 3); divisionstage = -1; noofinfectablebcs = noofinfectablebcs0 + int(nohostcellsfordiv * (1 + 3/64)); nohostcellsfordiv = 0; } } } textgametesinblood is Text("Number of gametes free in blood: " // str(gametes), 20,100, "blue"); ratiogammero is gametes / freeinblood; picture is [textnumofinfectablerbcs, textfreeinblood, textinbcs, textdividing, textgametesinblood, buttenterbc, buttkillinf, buttmerodiv]; ################################################### currentstate is (sporolocx == centtarget[1]+bloodrad+5) ? "Body is free of infection" : (!sporoinliver) ? "Stage 1: Sporozoites travel to the liver" : ((sporoinliver && (spororad<15)) ? "Stage 2: Sporozoites invade liver cells and - when activated - grow and divide to produce merozoites" : ((gametes == 0) ? "Stage 3: Merozoites exit the liver calls to cyclically invade red blood cells" : "Stage 4: Some infected blood cells leave the cycle of asexual multiplication" )); gametespercluster is int(gametes/15); mgametecol is "black"; fgametecol is "white"; gametediglen is ntodecls(gametespercluster); gamete1 is Circle((loc1[1]+loc2[1])/2, (loc1[2]+loc2[2])/2, gametediglen#, mgametecol, mgametecol); gamete2 is Circle((loc2[1]+loc3[1])/2, (loc2[2]+loc3[2])/2, gametediglen#, fgametecol,fgametecol); gamete3 is Circle((loc3[1]+loc4[1])/2, (loc3[2]+loc4[2])/2, gametediglen#, mgametecol, mgametecol); gamete4 is Circle((loc4[1]+loc5[1])/2, (loc4[2]+loc5[2])/2, gametediglen#, fgametecol, fgametecol); gamete5 is Circle((loc5[1]+loc6[1])/2, (loc5[2]+loc6[2])/2, gametediglen#, mgametecol, mgametecol); gamete6 is Circle((loc6[1]+loc7[1])/2, (loc6[2]+loc7[2])/2, gametediglen#, fgametecol, fgametecol); gamete7 is Circle((loc7[1]+loc8[1])/2, (loc7[2]+loc8[2])/2, gametediglen#, mgametecol, mgametecol); gamete8 is Circle((loc8[1]+loc9[1])/2, (loc8[2]+loc9[2])/2, gametediglen#, fgametecol, fgametecol); gamete9 is Circle((loc9[1]+loc10[1])/2, (loc9[2]+loc10[2])/2, gametediglen#, mgametecol, mgametecol); gamete10 is Circle((loc10[1]+loc11[1])/2, (loc10[2]+loc11[2])/2, gametediglen#, fgametecol, fgametecol); gamete11 is Circle((loc11[1]+loc12[1])/2, (loc11[2]+loc12[2])/2, gametediglen#, mgametecol, mgametecol); gamete12 is Circle((loc12[1]+loc13[1])/2, (loc12[2]+loc13[2])/2, gametediglen#, fgametecol, fgametecol); gamete13 is Circle((loc13[1]+loc14[1])/2, (loc13[2]+loc14[2])/2, gametediglen#, mgametecol, mgametecol); gamete14 is Circle((loc14[1]+loc15[1])/2, (loc14[2]+loc15[2])/2, gametediglen#, fgametecol, fgametecol); gamete15 is Circle((loc15[1]+loc1[1])/2, (loc15[2]+loc1[2])/2, gametediglen#, mgametecol, mgametecol); title is Div("title", 20,15,300 ,20,"A construal of Plasmodium Vivax infection"); picture is (spororad < 15) ? [title, cyclepoint, explanation, mosquitobite, blood, organs, cyclepoint, sporesgrow, liver, livercell, sporozoites, bloodcorp1, bloodcorp2, bloodcorp3, bloodcorp4, bloodcorp5, bloodcorp6, bloodcorp7, bloodcorp8, bloodcorp9, bloodcorp10, bloodcorp11, bloodcorp12, bloodcorp13, bloodcorp14, bloodcorp15] : [title, cyclepoint, explanation, mosquitobite, blood, organs, cyclepoint, sporesgrow, liver, livercell, sporozoites, bloodcorp1, bloodcorp2, bloodcorp3, bloodcorp4, bloodcorp5, bloodcorp6, bloodcorp7, bloodcorp8, bloodcorp9, bloodcorp10, bloodcorp11, bloodcorp12, bloodcorp13, bloodcorp14, bloodcorp15, bloodcorpinf1, bloodcorpinf2, bloodcorpinf3, bloodcorpinf4, bloodcorpinf5, bloodcorpinf6, bloodcorpinf7, bloodcorpinf8, bloodcorpinf9, bloodcorpinf10, bloodcorpinf11, bloodcorpinf12, bloodcorpinf13, bloodcorpinf14, bloodcorpinf15, gamete1, gamete2, gamete3, gamete4, gamete5, gamete6, gamete7, gamete8, gamete9, gamete10, gamete11, gamete12, gamete13, gamete14, gamete15, merozoite1, merozoite2, merozoite3, merozoite4]; blood is Circle(centtarget[1],centtarget[2],bloodrad,rgb2color(rb,gb,bb),"red"); organs is Circle(centtarget[1],centtarget[2],bloodrad-bloodwidth,"white", "red"); centtarget = [230,250]; bloodrad = 185; bloodwidth = 30; explanation is Text(currentstate, 20, 45, "black"); bcrad = 11; loc0 is [centtarget[1]+bloodrad+5, centtarget[2]]; /* bloodrad = 180; bloodwidth = 20; bcrad = 6; */ mosquitobite is Button("bite", ((loc0[1] == centtarget[1]+bloodrad+5) ? "Mosquito bites" : "Mosquito has bitten"), centtarget[1]+bloodrad+25, centtarget[2], loc0[1]==centtarget[1]+bloodrad+5); livercentre is [60, centtarget[2]]; liver is Rectangle(25,centtarget[2]-35,70,70,"brown"); sporesgrow is Button("sporesgrow", ((spororad == 5) ? "Spores become active" : "Growth of spores has been triggered"), 130, centtarget[2], (spororad == 5)&&(loc0==livercentre)); cyclepoint is Text(".", centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-55)*cos(15*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-55)*sin(15*PI/15+theta), "black"); /* Fix the stages: merocount|gametes$|^freeinblood|infpercen|rbcc|circuits make the html table */ html(" Notes on the construal of Plasmodium Vivax infection

To exercise the construal, press the buttons:

  1. to simulate a mosquito bite
  2. to render the sporozoites active when they reach the liver.

Some significant observables that can be monitored are:
Name Interpretation
rbccount The total number of red blood corpuscles
merocount The total number of merozoites within red blood corpuscles
freeinblood The total number of merozoites free in the blood
gametes The total number of gametes in the blood
infpercentage The percentage of red blood cells that are infected
circuits The number of cycles of infection that have occurred

These observables can be inspected by pasting the following regular expression into the Search Box at the top of the Observables panel:


Once the merozoites enter the bloodstream, the construal proceeds by repeatedly simulating a cycle of infection in which a proportion of merozoites that are free in the blood invade red blood corpuscles, a proportion of those that remain free in the blood are eliminated by the immune system, and a proportion of the merozoites in red blood corpuscles begin the process of schizogony. The proportions specified for these steps are respectively defined as beta, 1-gamma and 1-alpha where the values of parameters alpha, beta and gamma have been given the explicit values 0.93, 0.5 and 0.2. (These values can be freely redefined by the modeller, by dependencies if this is deemed appropriate.) The simulation in effect terminates at the point when more than 3% of the total red blood corpuscles are infected.

Blue circles represent populations of merozoites within red blood corpuscles and gametes are represented by black and white circles. The radius of each circle is approximately the logarithm to base ten of the number of pathogens it represents. The pink circles/annuli represent the healthy red blood corpuscles that are most vulnerable to Plasmodium Vivax infection, using a similar convention.

The manual execution of this cycle of reproduction can be carried out using a companion construal.
