liver is Rectangle(25,215,70,70,"brown"); ## blood is Rectangle(40,40,580,100,"red"); blood is Circle(250,250,200,"red", "red"); organs is Circle(250,250,180,"white", "white"); bloodrad = 200; bloodwidth = 20; blood is Circle(250,250,bloodrad,"red", "red"); organs is Circle(250,250,bloodrad-bloodwidth,"white", "red"); sporozoites is Circle(600,90, 5,"green","white"); livercentre is [60, 250]; livercell is Circle(livercentre[1],livercentre[2], 15, "yellow", "black"); ## library functions ... PI = 3.14159265358979; func sin { ${{ var x1 = arguments[0]; return Math.sin(x1); }}$; }; func cos { ${{ var x1 = arguments[0]; return Math.cos(x1); }}$; }; ## picture is [blood, liver, sporozoites, livercell]; ## get sporozoites to migrate loc0 = [460,250]; sporolocx is loc0[1]; sporolocy is loc0[2]; spororad = 5; sporozoites is Circle(sporolocx, sporolocy, spororad, "green","white"); /* ## when sporozoites are in circulation ... phi is theta - ... ; loc0 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(phi), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(phi)]; */ ## sporozoites circulate in the blood centtarget = [250,250]; theta = 0; cyclepoint is Text("*", centtarget[1]+ 150*cos(15*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- 150*sin(15*PI/15+theta), "black"); loc1 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(2*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(2*PI/15+theta)]; loc2 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(4*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(4*PI/15+theta)]; loc3 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(6*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(6*PI/15+theta)]; loc4 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(8*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(8*PI/15+theta)]; loc5 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(10*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(10*PI/15+theta)]; loc6 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(12*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(12*PI/15+theta)]; loc7 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(14*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(14*PI/15+theta)]; loc8 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(16*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(16*PI/15+theta)]; loc9 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(18*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(18*PI/15+theta)]; loc10 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(20*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(20*PI/15+theta)]; loc11 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(22*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(22*PI/15+theta)]; loc12 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(24*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(24*PI/15+theta)]; loc13 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(26*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(26*PI/15+theta)]; loc14 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(28*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(28*PI/15+theta)]; loc15 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(30*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(30*PI/15+theta)]; bcrad = 6; bloodcorp1 is Circle(loc1[1], loc1[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp2 is Circle(loc2[1], loc2[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp3 is Circle(loc3[1], loc3[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp4 is Circle(loc4[1], loc4[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp5 is Circle(loc5[1], loc5[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp6 is Circle(loc6[1], loc6[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp7 is Circle(loc7[1], loc7[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp8 is Circle(loc8[1], loc8[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp9 is Circle(loc9[1], loc9[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp10 is Circle(loc10[1], loc10[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp11 is Circle(loc11[1], loc11[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp12 is Circle(loc12[1], loc12[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp13 is Circle(loc13[1], loc13[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp14 is Circle(loc14[1], loc14[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); bloodcorp15 is Circle(loc15[1], loc15[2], bcrad, "pink", "grey"); picture is [blood, organs, liver, livercell, sporozoites, bloodcorp1, bloodcorp2, bloodcorp3, bloodcorp4, bloodcorp5, bloodcorp6, bloodcorp7, bloodcorp8, bloodcorp9, bloodcorp10, bloodcorp11, bloodcorp12, bloodcorp13, bloodcorp14, bloodcorp15]; bloodspeed = 10; ## higher value means slower circulation rate bloodspeed = 100; steps = 0; proc bloodcirc { after (bloodspeed) { steps++; bloodcirc(); } } theta is (steps % 300) * 2 * PI/300; bloodcirc(); mosquitobite is Button("bite", ((loc0[1] == 460) ? "Mosquito bites" : "Mosquito has bitten"), 480, 250, loc0[1]==460); picture is (spororad < 15) ? [explanation, mosquitobite, blood, organs, cyclepoint, sporesgrow, liver, livercell, sporozoites, bloodcorp1, bloodcorp2, bloodcorp3, bloodcorp4, bloodcorp5, bloodcorp6, bloodcorp7, bloodcorp8, bloodcorp9, bloodcorp10, bloodcorp11, bloodcorp12, bloodcorp13, bloodcorp14, bloodcorp15] : [explanation, mosquitobite, blood, organs, cyclepoint, sporesgrow, liver, livercell, sporozoites, bloodcorp1, bloodcorp2, bloodcorp3, bloodcorp4, bloodcorp5, bloodcorp6, bloodcorp7, bloodcorp8, bloodcorp9, bloodcorp10, bloodcorp11, bloodcorp12, bloodcorp13, bloodcorp14, bloodcorp15, merozoite1, merozoite2, merozoite3, merozoite4]; proc bitten : bite_clicked { auto theta0; if (bite_clicked) { theta0 = theta; phi is theta - theta0; loc0 is [centtarget[1]+ (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*cos(phi), centtarget[2]- (bloodrad-bloodwidth/2)*sin(phi)]; } } func ptsnear { para p, q, near; auto result; result = (((p[1]-q[1])*(p[1]-q[1])+(p[2]-q[2])*(p[2]-q[2]))<(near*near)); return result; } sporoinliver is ptsnear(livercentre,loc0,10); proc mksporogrow : sporoinliver { if (sporoinliver&&(loc0!=livercentre)) { loc0 = livercentre; } } sporesgrow is Button("sporesgrow", ((spororad == 5) ? "Spores become active" : "Growth of spores has been triggered"), 130, 250, (spororad == 5)&&(loc0==livercentre)); proc sporogrow : sporesgrow_clicked { if (loc0 == livercentre) { after (1000) { if (spororad < 15) { spororad++; sporogrow(); } } } } currentstate is (sporolocx == 460) ? "Body is free of infection" : (!sporoinliver) ? "Stage 1: Sporozoites travel to the liver" : ((sporoinliver && (spororad<15)) ? "Stage 2: Sporozoites invade liver cells and - when activated - grow and divide to produce merozoites" : "Stage 3: Merozoites exit the liver calls" ); explanation is Text(currentstate, 20, 40, "black"); merodisp = 5; merorad = 4; mero1x is livercentre[1]+merodisp; mero1y is livercentre[2]+merodisp; mero2x is livercentre[1]-merodisp; mero2y is livercentre[2]+merodisp; mero3x is livercentre[1]-merodisp; mero3y is livercentre[2]-merodisp; mero4x is livercentre[1]+merodisp; mero4y is livercentre[2]-merodisp; merozoites is [merozoite1, merozoite2, merozoite3, merozoite4]; merozoite1 is Circle(mero1x, mero1y, merorad, "blue", "blue"); merozoite2 is Circle(mero2x, mero2y, merorad, "blue", "blue"); merozoite3 is Circle(mero3x, mero3y, merorad, "blue", "blue"); merozoite4 is Circle(mero4x, mero4y, merorad, "blue", "blue"); ############################################## totalnumrbcs = 30000000000000; noofinfectablebcs0 = 900000000000; noofinfectablebcs = noofinfectablebcs0; propinfbcs is bcinfnum / totalnumrbcs; freeinblood is (spororad==15) ? 2000 : 0; bcinfnum = 0.0; bcsinfpercluster is int(bcinfnum/15); bcinfection is [bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster,bcsinfpercluster]; merocount is freeinblood + bcinfnum; circuits = 0; func powerof2 { para n; auto result; result = 1; while (n>0) { result = 2 * result; n--; } return result; } alpha = 0.930; beta = 0.5; gamma = 0.2; divisionstage = -1; nohostcellsfordiv = 0; merotobekilled = false; onetoabc is int(bcinfnum * alpha); dividing is (divisionstage>=0) ? int(bcinfnum * (1-alpha) * powerof2(divisionstage)) : 0; textnumofinfectablerbcs is Text("Number of infectable RBCs: " // str(noofinfectablebcs),20,20, "red"); textfreeinblood is Text("Number of merozoites free in blood: " // str(freeinblood), 20,40, "blue"); textinbcs is Text("Number of merozoites sited one to a blood cell: " // str(onetoabc), 20,60, "blue"); textdividing is Text("Number of merozoites generated by division in " // str(nohostcellsfordiv) // " blood cells: " // str(dividing), 20, 80, "blue"); buttenterbc is Button("RBCEntry", "Proportion " // str(beta) // " of free merozoites enter bcs", 20, 120, divisionstage==-1); buttkillinf is Button("MeroKill", "Proportion " // str(1.00-gamma) // " of free merozoites killed", 20, 150, merotobekilled); buttmerodiv is Button("MeroDiv", "Proportion " // str((100 - 100*alpha)/100) // " of embedded merozoites divide stage-by-stage", 20, 180, divisionstage>=0); ## buttnewbcsgen is Button("GenBCs", "Introduce " // str(noofinfectablebcs0) // " new blood cells, together with " // str(int((1.000-alpha)*bcinfnum)) // " to replace the exploded cells, that can be infected", 20, 210, divisionstage==-1); ## picture is [textnumofinfectablerbcs, textfreeinblood, textinbcs, textdividing, buttenterbc, buttkillinf, buttmerodiv, buttnewbcsgen]; ## picture is [textnumofinfectablerbcs, textfreeinblood, textinbcs, textdividing, buttenterbc, buttkillinf, buttmerodiv]; proc infectRBCs : RBCEntry_clicked { if (RBCEntry_clicked) { bcinfnum = bcinfnum + int(beta * freeinblood); freeinblood = int((1-beta) * freeinblood); divisionstage = 0; nohostcellsfordiv = dividing; merotobekilled = true; } } proc killmeros : MeroKill_clicked { if (MeroKill_clicked) { freeinblood = int(gamma * freeinblood); merotobekilled = false; } } proc merosdivide : MeroDiv_clicked { if (MeroDiv_clicked) { if ((divisionstage>=0) && (divisionstage < 4)) divisionstage++; else if (divisionstage == 4){ bcinfnum = onetoabc; freeinblood = freeinblood + dividing; divisionstage = -1; noofinfectablebcs = noofinfectablebcs0 + nohostcellsfordiv; nohostcellsfordiv = 0; } } } circuits = 0; proc simulatestep { RBCEntry_clicked = true; MeroKill_clicked = true; merodivide(); circuits++; } proc merodivide { if (divisionstage != -1) { MeroDiv_clicked = true; merodivide(); } } proc simulateproc { after (100) { simulatestep(); if (freeinblood < noofinfectablebcs) simulateproc(); } } ################################ proc onecircuit : steps { if ((spororad==15)&&(steps == (int(steps/300)*300)) && (infpercentage<3)) simulatestep(); }; ## visualise according to number of decimal digits in the merozoite count func ntodecls { para n; auto result; result = []; while (n>0) { result = result // [int(n%10)]; n = int(n/10); } return result; } bcsinfdiglen is ntodecls(bcsinfpercluster); bloodcorpinf1 is Circle(loc1[1], loc1[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf2 is Circle(loc2[1], loc2[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf3 is Circle(loc3[1], loc3[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf4 is Circle(loc4[1], loc4[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf5 is Circle(loc5[1], loc5[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf6 is Circle(loc6[1], loc6[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf7 is Circle(loc7[1], loc7[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf8 is Circle(loc8[1], loc8[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf9 is Circle(loc9[1], loc9[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf10 is Circle(loc10[1], loc10[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf11 is Circle(loc11[1], loc11[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf12 is Circle(loc12[1], loc12[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf13 is Circle(loc13[1], loc13[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf14 is Circle(loc14[1], loc14[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf15 is Circle(loc15[1], loc15[2], bcsinfdiglen#, "blue", "blue"); rbccount = totalnumrbcs; unitrbc is rbccount / 15; ## have visualised 15 groups of rbc's ## for P Vivax a high level of infection would be 3% - say 1 trillion rbc infected ## 2 to the power 40 is around a trillion infpercentage is (merocount * 100)/rbccount; picture is (spororad < 15) ? [cyclepoint, explanation, mosquitobite, blood, organs, cyclepoint, sporesgrow, liver, livercell, sporozoites, bloodcorp1, bloodcorp2, bloodcorp3, bloodcorp4, bloodcorp5, bloodcorp6, bloodcorp7, bloodcorp8, bloodcorp9, bloodcorp10, bloodcorp11, bloodcorp12, bloodcorp13, bloodcorp14, bloodcorp15] : [cyclepoint, explanation, mosquitobite, blood, organs, cyclepoint, sporesgrow, liver, livercell, sporozoites, bloodcorp1, bloodcorp2, bloodcorp3, bloodcorp4, bloodcorp5, bloodcorp6, bloodcorp7, bloodcorp8, bloodcorp9, bloodcorp10, bloodcorp11, bloodcorp12, bloodcorp13, bloodcorp14, bloodcorp15, bloodcorpinf1, bloodcorpinf2, bloodcorpinf3, bloodcorpinf4, bloodcorpinf5, bloodcorpinf6, bloodcorpinf7, bloodcorpinf8, bloodcorpinf9, bloodcorpinf10, bloodcorpinf11, bloodcorpinf12, bloodcorpinf13, bloodcorpinf14, bloodcorpinf15, merozoite1, merozoite2, merozoite3, merozoite4]; ## additions 29/12/2011 ## blood is Circle(250,250,200,"red", "red"); ## organs is Circle(250,250,180,"white", "white"); bloodrad = 205; bloodwidth = 30; blood is Circle(250,250,bloodrad,"red", "red"); organs is Circle(250,250,bloodrad-bloodwidth,"white", "red"); ## makes blood band 30 pixels wide, and makes inner rim of blood band red bcrad = 11; ## this radius gives room to visualise the biggest levels of infection that make sense ## if we visualise only the vulnerable RBCs, then this number may increase as the simulation goes on ## - proportion of young RBCs increases func char { ${{ var x1 = arguments[0]; s = "%" + (Number(x1).toString(16)); return unescape(s); }}$; }; func octaltr { para n; if (n<10) return(str(n)); else return char(97 + n - 10); } ## function round() doesn't exist in JS-Eden func round { para x; return ((x - int(x))>=0.5) ? int(x)+1 : int(x); } func rgb2color { para redval, greenval, blueval; auto s, i; ## check values are in allowable 0-255 range if ((redval<0)||(greenval<0)||(blueval<0)|| (redval>255)||(greenval>255)||(blueval>255)) error("colour out of range"); ## round to nearest integer - need to have each component as a strict 2 + character length hex number - can't deal with real numbers directly, and don't need to? redval = round(redval); greenval = round(greenval); blueval = round(blueval); ## use the c func to get the string back ## s = ""; ## sprintf(s,"#%02x%02x%02x",redval,greenval,blueval); s = "#" // octaltr(int(redval/16)) // octaltr(int(redval - int(redval/16)*16)) // octaltr(int(greenval/16)) // octaltr(int(greenval - int(greenval/16)*16)) // octaltr(int(blueval/16)) // octaltr(int(blueval - int(blueval/16)*16)); return s; } ## changing the colour of the blood ... ## blood is Circle(250,250,205,rgb2color(255,255,0), "red"); rb = 255; gb = 0; bb = 0; ## blood is Circle(250,250,205,rgb2color(rb,gb,bb), "red"); blood is Circle(250,250,bloodrad,rgb2color(rb,gb,bb), "red"); rb is 255 - 10 * ntodecls(freeinblood)#; gb is 15 * ntodecls(freeinblood)#; ################################# gametes = 0; buttmerodiv is Button("MeroDiv", "Proportion " // str((100 - 100*alpha)/100) // " of embedded merozoites divide stage-by-stage and are released into the bloodstream; others mature and are released as gametocytes", 20, 180, divisionstage>=0); proc merosdivide : MeroDiv_clicked { if (MeroDiv_clicked) { if ((divisionstage>=0) && (divisionstage < 4)) divisionstage++; else if (divisionstage == 4){ bcinfnum = onetoabc - int(nohostcellsfordiv/64 * 3); freeinblood = freeinblood + dividing; gametes = gametes + int(nohostcellsfordiv/64 * 3); divisionstage = -1; noofinfectablebcs = noofinfectablebcs0 + int(nohostcellsfordiv * (1 + 3/64)); nohostcellsfordiv = 0; } } } textgametesinblood is Text("Number of gametes free in blood: " // str(gametes), 20,100, "blue"); ratiogammero is gametes / freeinblood; picture is [textnumofinfectablerbcs, textfreeinblood, textinbcs, textdividing, textgametesinblood, buttenterbc, buttkillinf, buttmerodiv]; ################################################### gametespercluster is int(gametes/15); mgametecol is "black"; fgametecol is "white"; gametediglen is ntodecls(gametespercluster); gamete1 is Circle((loc1[1]+loc2[1])/2, (loc1[2]+loc2[2])/2, gametediglen#, mgametecol, mgametecol); gamete2 is Circle((loc2[1]+loc3[1])/2, (loc2[2]+loc3[2])/2, gametediglen#, fgametecol,fgametecol); gamete3 is Circle((loc3[1]+loc4[1])/2, (loc3[2]+loc4[2])/2, gametediglen#, mgametecol, mgametecol); gamete4 is Circle((loc4[1]+loc5[1])/2, (loc4[2]+loc5[2])/2, gametediglen#, fgametecol, fgametecol); gamete5 is Circle((loc5[1]+loc6[1])/2, (loc5[2]+loc6[2])/2, gametediglen#, mgametecol, mgametecol); gamete6 is Circle((loc6[1]+loc7[1])/2, (loc6[2]+loc7[2])/2, gametediglen#, fgametecol, fgametecol); gamete7 is Circle((loc7[1]+loc8[1])/2, (loc7[2]+loc8[2])/2, gametediglen#, mgametecol, mgametecol); gamete8 is Circle((loc8[1]+loc9[1])/2, (loc8[2]+loc9[2])/2, gametediglen#, fgametecol, fgametecol); gamete9 is Circle((loc9[1]+loc10[1])/2, (loc9[2]+loc10[2])/2, gametediglen#, mgametecol, mgametecol); gamete10 is Circle((loc10[1]+loc11[1])/2, (loc10[2]+loc11[2])/2, gametediglen#, fgametecol, fgametecol); gamete11 is Circle((loc11[1]+loc12[1])/2, (loc11[2]+loc12[2])/2, gametediglen#, mgametecol, mgametecol); gamete12 is Circle((loc12[1]+loc13[1])/2, (loc12[2]+loc13[2])/2, gametediglen#, fgametecol, fgametecol); gamete13 is Circle((loc13[1]+loc14[1])/2, (loc13[2]+loc14[2])/2, gametediglen#, mgametecol, mgametecol); gamete14 is Circle((loc14[1]+loc15[1])/2, (loc14[2]+loc15[2])/2, gametediglen#, fgametecol, fgametecol); gamete15 is Circle((loc15[1]+loc1[1])/2, (loc15[2]+loc1[2])/2, gametediglen#, mgametecol, mgametecol); picture is (spororad < 15) ? [cyclepoint, explanation, mosquitobite, blood, organs, cyclepoint, sporesgrow, liver, livercell, sporozoites, bloodcorp1, bloodcorp2, bloodcorp3, bloodcorp4, bloodcorp5, bloodcorp6, bloodcorp7, bloodcorp8, bloodcorp9, bloodcorp10, bloodcorp11, bloodcorp12, bloodcorp13, bloodcorp14, bloodcorp15] : [cyclepoint, explanation, mosquitobite, blood, organs, cyclepoint, sporesgrow, liver, livercell, sporozoites, bloodcorp1, bloodcorp2, bloodcorp3, bloodcorp4, bloodcorp5, bloodcorp6, bloodcorp7, bloodcorp8, bloodcorp9, bloodcorp10, bloodcorp11, bloodcorp12, bloodcorp13, bloodcorp14, bloodcorp15, bloodcorpinf1, bloodcorpinf2, bloodcorpinf3, bloodcorpinf4, bloodcorpinf5, bloodcorpinf6, bloodcorpinf7, bloodcorpinf8, bloodcorpinf9, bloodcorpinf10, bloodcorpinf11, bloodcorpinf12, bloodcorpinf13, bloodcorpinf14, bloodcorpinf15, gamete1, gamete2, gamete3, gamete4, gamete5, gamete6, gamete7, gamete8, gamete9, gamete10, gamete11, gamete12, gamete13, gamete14, gamete15, merozoite1, merozoite2, merozoite3, merozoite4]; blood is Circle(250,250,200,"red", "red"); blood is Circle(250,250,200,rgb2color(rb,gb,bb), "red"); freeinblood is (spororad==15) ? 10 : 0; rb is 255 - 4 * freeinblood; gb is 4 * freeinblood; organs is Circle(250,250,180,"white", "red"); bcrad = 6; ## cyclepoint is Text("*", centtarget[1]+ 150*cos(15*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- 150*sin(15*PI/15+theta), "black"); cyclepoint is Text("", centtarget[1]+ 150*cos(15*PI/15+theta), centtarget[2]- 150*sin(15*PI/15+theta), "black"); bcinfection is [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; randnum = 0; func ntobool15ls { para n; auto result; result = []; n = n+32768; while (n>0) { result = result // [int(n%2)]; n = int(n/2); } return result; } randls is ntobool15ls(randnum); drand1 is int(randls[1]) * int(randls[2]) * int(randls[3]); drand2 is int(randls[2]) * int(randls[3]) * int(randls[4]); drand3 is int(randls[3]) * int(randls[4]) * int(randls[5]); drand4 is int(randls[4]) * int(randls[5]) * int(randls[6]); drand5 is int(randls[5]) * int(randls[6]) * int(randls[7]); drand6 is int(randls[6]) * int(randls[7]) * int(randls[8]); drand7 is int(randls[7]) * int(randls[8]) * int(randls[9]); drand8 is int(randls[8]) * int(randls[9]) * int(randls[10]); drand9 is int(randls[9]) * int(randls[10]) * int(randls[11]); drand10 is int(randls[10]) * int(randls[11]) * int(randls[12]); drand11 is int(randls[11]) * int(randls[12]) * int(randls[13]); drand12 is int(randls[12]) * int(randls[13]) * int(randls[14]); drand13 is int(randls[13]) * int(randls[14]) * int(randls[15]); drand14 is int(randls[14]) * int(randls[15]) * int(randls[1]); drand15 is int(randls[15]) * int(randls[1]) * int(randls[2]); rand1 is int(randls[1]) * int(randls[2]); rand2 is int(randls[2]) * int(randls[3]); rand3 is int(randls[3]) * int(randls[4]); rand4 is int(randls[4]) * int(randls[5]); rand5 is int(randls[5]) * int(randls[6]); rand6 is int(randls[6]) * int(randls[7]); rand7 is int(randls[7]) * int(randls[8]); rand8 is int(randls[8]) * int(randls[9]); rand9 is int(randls[9]) * int(randls[10]); rand10 is int(randls[10]) * int(randls[11]); rand11 is int(randls[11]) * int(randls[12]); rand12 is int(randls[12]) * int(randls[13]); rand13 is int(randls[13]) * int(randls[14]); rand14 is int(randls[14]) * int(randls[15]); rand15 is int(randls[15]) * int(randls[1]); grand1 is rand1 * rand8; grand2 is rand2 * rand9; grand3 is rand3 * rand10; grand4 is rand4 * rand11; grand5 is rand5 * rand12; grand6 is rand6 * rand13; grand7 is rand7 * rand14; grand8 is rand8 * rand15; grand9 is rand9 * rand1; grand10 is rand10 * rand2; grand11 is rand11 * rand3; grand12 is rand12 * rand4; grand13 is rand13 * rand5; grand14 is rand14 * rand6; grand15 is rand15 * rand7; bcinfection is [rand1, rand2, rand3, rand4, rand5, rand6, rand7, rand8, rand9, rand10, rand11, rand12, rand13, rand14, rand15]; ## freeinblood = 2000; bcinfnum1 is bcinfection[1]; bcinfnum2 is bcinfection[2]; bcinfnum3 is bcinfection[3]; bcinfnum4 is bcinfection[4]; bcinfnum5 is bcinfection[5]; bcinfnum6 is bcinfection[6]; bcinfnum7 is bcinfection[7]; bcinfnum8 is bcinfection[8]; bcinfnum9 is bcinfection[9]; bcinfnum10 is bcinfection[10]; bcinfnum11 is bcinfection[11]; bcinfnum12 is bcinfection[12]; bcinfnum13 is bcinfection[13]; bcinfnum14 is bcinfection[14]; bcinfnum15 is bcinfection[15]; merocount is freeinblood + bcinfection[1]+bcinfection[2]+bcinfection[3]+bcinfection[4]+bcinfection[5]+bcinfection[6]+bcinfection[7]+bcinfection[8]+bcinfection[9]+bcinfection[10]+bcinfection[11]+bcinfection[12]+bcinfection[13]+bcinfection[14]+bcinfection[15]; stage1 = -1; stage2 = -1; stage3 = -1; stage4 = -1; stage5 = -1; stage6 = -1; stage7 = -1; stage8 = -1; stage9 = -1; stage10 = -1; stage11 = -1; stage12 = -1; stage13 = -1; stage14 = -1; stage15 = -1; currbcinfnum1 = 0; currbcinfnum2 = 0; currbcinfnum3 = 0; currbcinfnum4 = 0; currbcinfnum5 = 0; currbcinfnum6 = 0; currbcinfnum7 = 0; currbcinfnum8 = 0; currbcinfnum9 = 0; currbcinfnum10 = 0; currbcinfnum11 = 0; currbcinfnum12 = 0; currbcinfnum13 = 0; currbcinfnum14 = 0; currbcinfnum15 = 0; currgrand1 = 0; currgrand2 = 0; currgrand3 = 0; currgrand4 = 0; currgrand5 = 0; currgrand6 = 0; currgrand7 = 0; currgrand8 = 0; currgrand9 = 0; currgrand10 = 0; currgrand11 = 0; currgrand12 = 0; currgrand13 = 0; currgrand14 = 0; currgrand15 = 0; bloodcorpinf1 is Circle(loc1[1], loc1[2], currbcinfnum1 + stage1 + 1, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf2 is Circle(loc2[1], loc2[2], currbcinfnum2 + stage2 + 1, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf3 is Circle(loc3[1], loc3[2], currbcinfnum3 + stage3 + 1, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf4 is Circle(loc4[1], loc4[2], currbcinfnum4 + stage4 + 1, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf5 is Circle(loc5[1], loc5[2], currbcinfnum5 + stage5 + 1, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf6 is Circle(loc6[1], loc6[2], currbcinfnum6 + stage6 + 1, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf7 is Circle(loc7[1], loc7[2], currbcinfnum7 + stage7 + 1, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf8 is Circle(loc8[1], loc8[2], currbcinfnum8 + stage8 + 1, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf9 is Circle(loc9[1], loc9[2], currbcinfnum9 + stage9 + 1, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf10 is Circle(loc10[1], loc10[2], currbcinfnum10 + stage10 + 1, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf11 is Circle(loc11[1], loc11[2], currbcinfnum11 + stage11 + 1, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf12 is Circle(loc12[1], loc12[2], currbcinfnum12 + stage12 + 1, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf13 is Circle(loc13[1], loc13[2], currbcinfnum13 + stage13 + 1, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf14 is Circle(loc14[1], loc14[2], currbcinfnum14 + stage14 + 1, "blue", "blue"); bloodcorpinf15 is Circle(loc15[1], loc15[2], currbcinfnum15 + stage15 + 1, "blue", "blue"); gamete1 is Circle((loc1[1]+loc2[1])/2, (loc1[2]+loc2[2])/2, currgrand1, mgametecol, mgametecol); gamete2 is Circle((loc2[1]+loc3[1])/2, (loc2[2]+loc3[2])/2, currgrand2, fgametecol,fgametecol); gamete3 is Circle((loc3[1]+loc4[1])/2, (loc3[2]+loc4[2])/2, currgrand3, mgametecol, mgametecol); gamete4 is Circle((loc4[1]+loc5[1])/2, (loc4[2]+loc5[2])/2, currgrand4, fgametecol, fgametecol); gamete5 is Circle((loc5[1]+loc6[1])/2, (loc5[2]+loc6[2])/2, currgrand5, mgametecol, mgametecol); gamete6 is Circle((loc6[1]+loc7[1])/2, (loc6[2]+loc7[2])/2, currgrand6, fgametecol, fgametecol); gamete7 is Circle((loc7[1]+loc8[1])/2, (loc7[2]+loc8[2])/2, currgrand7, mgametecol, mgametecol); gamete8 is Circle((loc8[1]+loc9[1])/2, (loc8[2]+loc9[2])/2, currgrand8, fgametecol, fgametecol); gamete9 is Circle((loc9[1]+loc10[1])/2, (loc9[2]+loc10[2])/2, currgrand9, mgametecol, mgametecol); gamete10 is Circle((loc10[1]+loc11[1])/2, (loc10[2]+loc11[2])/2, currgrand10, fgametecol, fgametecol); gamete11 is Circle((loc11[1]+loc12[1])/2, (loc11[2]+loc12[2])/2, currgrand11, mgametecol, mgametecol); gamete12 is Circle((loc12[1]+loc13[1])/2, (loc12[2]+loc13[2])/2, currgrand12, fgametecol, fgametecol); gamete13 is Circle((loc13[1]+loc14[1])/2, (loc13[2]+loc14[2])/2, currgrand13, mgametecol, mgametecol); gamete14 is Circle((loc14[1]+loc15[1])/2, (loc14[2]+loc15[2])/2, currgrand14, fgametecol, fgametecol); gamete15 is Circle((loc15[1]+loc1[1])/2, (loc15[2]+loc1[2])/2, currgrand15, mgametecol, mgametecol); steps = 0; proc onecircuit : steps { if ((spororad==15)&&(steps == (int(steps/300)*300))&&(infpercentage<10)) { randnum = rand(); currbcinfnum1 = (currbcinfnum1 == 0) ? currbcinfnum1 + rand1 : 1; currbcinfnum2 = (currbcinfnum2 == 0) ? currbcinfnum2 + rand2 : 1; currbcinfnum3 = (currbcinfnum3 == 0) ? currbcinfnum3 + rand3 : 1; currbcinfnum4 = (currbcinfnum4 == 0) ? currbcinfnum4 + rand4 : 1; currbcinfnum5 = (currbcinfnum5 == 0) ? currbcinfnum5 + rand5 : 1; currbcinfnum6 = (currbcinfnum6 == 0) ? currbcinfnum6 + rand6 : 1; currbcinfnum7 = (currbcinfnum7 == 0) ? currbcinfnum7 + rand7 : 1; currbcinfnum8 = (currbcinfnum8 == 0) ? currbcinfnum8 + rand8 : 1; currbcinfnum9 = (currbcinfnum9 == 0) ? currbcinfnum9 + rand9 : 1; currbcinfnum10 = (currbcinfnum10 == 0) ? currbcinfnum10 + rand10 : 1; currbcinfnum11 = (currbcinfnum11 == 0) ? currbcinfnum11 + rand11 : 1; currbcinfnum12 = (currbcinfnum12 == 0) ? currbcinfnum12 + rand12 : 1; currbcinfnum13 = (currbcinfnum13 == 0) ? currbcinfnum13 + rand13 : 1; currbcinfnum14 = (currbcinfnum14 == 0) ? currbcinfnum14 + rand14 : 1; currbcinfnum15 = (currbcinfnum15 == 0) ? currbcinfnum15 + rand15 : 1; currgrand1 = (currgrand1 == 0) ? currgrand1 + grand1 : 1; currgrand2 = (currgrand2 == 0) ? currgrand2 + grand2 : 1; currgrand3 = (currgrand3 == 0) ? currgrand3 + grand3 : 1; currgrand4 = (currgrand4 == 0) ? currgrand4 + grand4 : 1; currgrand5 = (currgrand5 == 0) ? currgrand5 + grand5 : 1; currgrand6 = (currgrand6 == 0) ? currgrand6 + grand6 : 1; currgrand7 = (currgrand7 == 0) ? currgrand7 + grand7 : 1; currgrand8 = (currgrand8 == 0) ? currgrand8 + grand8 : 1; currgrand9 = (currgrand9 == 0) ? currgrand9 + grand9 : 1; currgrand10 = (currgrand10 == 0) ? currgrand10 + grand10 : 1; currgrand11 = (currgrand11 == 0) ? currgrand11 + grand11 : 1; currgrand12 = (currgrand12 == 0) ? currgrand12 + grand12 : 1; currgrand13 = (currgrand13 == 0) ? currgrand13 + grand13 : 1; currgrand14 = (currgrand14 == 0) ? currgrand14 + grand14 : 1; currgrand15 = (currgrand15 == 0) ? currgrand15 + grand15 : 1; if ((drand1==1)||stage1>=0) stage1++; if ((drand2==1)||stage2>=0) stage2++; if ((drand3==1)||stage3>=0) stage3++; if ((drand4==1)||stage4>=0) stage4++; if ((drand5==1)||stage5>=0) stage5++; if ((drand6==1)||stage6>=0) stage6++; if ((drand7==1)||stage7>=0) stage7++; if ((drand8==1)||stage8>=0) stage8++; if ((drand9==1)||stage9>=0) stage9++; if ((drand10==1)||stage10>=0) stage10++; if ((drand11==1)||stage11>=0) stage11++; if ((drand12==1)||stage12>=0) stage12++; if ((drand13==1)||stage13>=0) stage13++; if ((drand14==1)||stage14>=0) stage14++; if ((drand15==1)||stage15>=0) stage15++; if (stage1 == 4) { stage1 = -1; currbcinfnum1 = 0; freeinblood++;}; if (stage2 == 4) { stage2 = -1; currbcinfnum2 = 0; freeinblood++;}; if (stage3 == 4) { stage3 = -1; currbcinfnum3 = 0; freeinblood++;}; if (stage4 == 4) { stage4 = -1; currbcinfnum4 = 0; freeinblood++;}; if (stage5 == 4) { stage5 = -1; currbcinfnum5 = 0; freeinblood++;}; if (stage6 == 4) { stage6 = -1; currbcinfnum6 = 0; freeinblood++;}; if (stage7 == 4) { stage7 = -1; currbcinfnum7 = 0; freeinblood++;}; if (stage8 == 4) { stage8 = -1; currbcinfnum8 = 0; freeinblood++;}; if (stage9 == 4) { stage9 = -1; currbcinfnum9 = 0; freeinblood++;}; if (stage10 == 4) { stage10 = -1; currbcinfnum10 = 0; freeinblood++;}; if (stage11 == 4) { stage11 = -1; currbcinfnum11 = 0; freeinblood++;}; if (stage12 == 4) { stage12 = -1; currbcinfnum12 = 0; freeinblood++;}; if (stage13 == 4) { stage13 = -1; currbcinfnum13 = 0; freeinblood++;}; if (stage14 == 4) { stage14 = -1; currbcinfnum14 = 0; freeinblood++;}; if (stage15 == 4) { stage15 = -1; currbcinfnum15 = 0; freeinblood++;}; } }; gametes is currgrand1 + currgrand2 + currgrand3 + currgrand4 + currgrand5 + currgrand6 + currgrand7 + currgrand8 + currgrand9 + currgrand10 + currgrand11 + currgrand12 + currgrand13 + currgrand14 + currgrand15; title is Div("title", 20,15,600,20,"A simple construal of stages in the malaria parasite life cycle"); blood is Circle(centtarget[1],centtarget[2],bloodrad,rgb2color(rb,gb,bb),"red"); organs is Circle(centtarget[1],centtarget[2],bloodrad-bloodwidth,"white", "red"); currentstate is (sporolocx == centtarget[1]+bloodrad+5) ? "Body is free of infection" : (!sporoinliver) ? "Stage 1: Sporozoites travel to the liver" : ((sporoinliver && (spororad<15)) ? "Stage 2: Sporozoites invade liver cells and - when activated - grow and divide to produce merozoites" : ((gametes == 0) ? "Stage 3: Merozoites exit the liver calls to cyclically invade red blood cells" : "Stage 4: Some infected blood cells leave the cycle of asexual multiplication" )); centtarget = [230,250]; bloodrad = 180; bloodwidth = 20; bcrad = 6; explanation is Text(currentstate, 20, 45, "black"); loc0 is [centtarget[1]+bloodrad+5, centtarget[2]]; /* bloodrad = 185; bloodwidth = 30; bcrad = 11; */ mosquitobite is Button("bite", ((loc0[1] == centtarget[1]+bloodrad+5) ? "Mosquito bites" : "Mosquito has bitten"), centtarget[1]+bloodrad+25, centtarget[2], loc0[1]==centtarget[1]+bloodrad+5); livercentre is [60, centtarget[2]]; liver is Rectangle(25,centtarget[2]-35,70,70,"brown"); sporesgrow is Button("sporesgrow", ((spororad == 5) ? "Spores become active" : "Growth of spores has been triggered"), 130, centtarget[2], (spororad == 5)&&(loc0==livercentre)); picture is (spororad < 15) ? [title,cyclepoint, explanation, mosquitobite, blood, organs, cyclepoint, sporesgrow, liver, livercell, sporozoites, bloodcorp1, bloodcorp2, bloodcorp3, bloodcorp4, bloodcorp5, bloodcorp6, bloodcorp7, bloodcorp8, bloodcorp9, bloodcorp10, bloodcorp11, bloodcorp12, bloodcorp13, bloodcorp14, bloodcorp15] : [title, cyclepoint, explanation, mosquitobite, blood, organs, cyclepoint, sporesgrow, liver, livercell, sporozoites, bloodcorp1, bloodcorp2, bloodcorp3, bloodcorp4, bloodcorp5, bloodcorp6, bloodcorp7, bloodcorp8, bloodcorp9, bloodcorp10, bloodcorp11, bloodcorp12, bloodcorp13, bloodcorp14, bloodcorp15, bloodcorpinf1, bloodcorpinf2, bloodcorpinf3, bloodcorpinf4, bloodcorpinf5, bloodcorpinf6, bloodcorpinf7, bloodcorpinf8, bloodcorpinf9, bloodcorpinf10, bloodcorpinf11, bloodcorpinf12, bloodcorpinf13, bloodcorpinf14, bloodcorpinf15, gamete1, gamete2, gamete3, gamete4, gamete5, gamete6, gamete7, gamete8, gamete9, gamete10, gamete11, gamete12, gamete13, gamete14, gamete15, merozoite1, merozoite2, merozoite3, merozoite4]; merototal is (merocount==0) ? 0 : powerof2(merocount); gametestotal is (gametes==0) ? 0 : powerof2(gametes); freeinbloodtotal is (freeinblood==0) ? 0 : powerof2(freeinblood); infpercentage is (merototal * 100)/rbccount; /* Tell the story merocount|gametes$|^freeinblood merocount|gametes$|^freeinblood|.*total$ merocount|gametes$|^freeinblood|.*total$|infpercen|rbcc constrain to sensible behaviour in some way fix the stages - the explanation observable */ html(" Notes on a simple construal of stages in the life-cycle of a malaria parasite

This animation is primarily designed to show the key stages in the life cycle of a malarial parasite. It corresponds only to the human phase of the life-cycle of the parasite.

To exercise the construal, press the buttons:

  1. to simulate a mosquito bite
  2. to render the sporozoites active when they reach the liver.

Some observables that can be monitored are:
Name Interpretation Definition
rbccount The total number of red blood corpuscles 30000000000000
rb The red component of the colour used to depict the bloodstream 255 - 4 * freeinblood
gb The green component of the colour used to depict the bloodstream 4 * freeinblood;
freeinblood The total number of merozoites free in the blood on a logarithmic scale Explicitly computed
gametes The total number of gametes in the blood on a logarithmic scale Explicitly computed

These observables can be inspected by pasting the following regular expression into the Search Box at the top of the Observables panel:


or less cryptically, but less succintly:

