include("jspe.jse"); func rnd{ ${{ var num =arguments[0]; return Math.round(Math.random()*num); }}$; } /* The sizes of the three NIM piles */ pileSizeOne = rnd(14)+1; pileSizeTwo = rnd(14)+1; pileSizeThree = rnd(14)+1; func max{ ${{ var n1 = arguments[0]; var n2 = arguments[1]; var n3 = arguments[2]; return Math.max(n1,n2,n3); }}$; } func substr { ${{ var src = arguments[0]; var firstix = arguments[1]; var lastix = arguments[2]; return src.substr(firstix-1, lastix-firstix+1); }}$; } func sublist{ ${{ var src = arguments[0]; var firstix = arguments[1]; var lastix = arguments[2]; return src.slice(firstix-1, lastix); }}$; } func strcat{ ${{ var s1 = arguments[0]; var s2 = arguments[1]; return s1+s2; }}$; } pileSizeMax is max(pileSizeOne, pileSizeTwo, pileSizeThree); /* the displayed sizes of the NIM piles */ pileLabelOneTxt is str(pileSizeOne); pileLabelTwoTxt is str(pileSizeTwo); pileLabelThreeTxt is str(pileSizeThree); /* Which pile is being reduced in the current turn (0 when turn not in progress) */ activePile = 0; /* visualisation to show active pile */ pile1able is ((activePile == 1)||(activePile==0)) ? 1: 0; pile2able is ((activePile == 2)||(activePile==0)) ? 1 : 0; pile3able is ((activePile == 3)||(activePile==0)) ? 1 : 0; pile1able=1; pile2able=1; pile3able=1; /*The number of turns taken in the round*/ numberOfTurns = 0; /*The names of the two players*/ firstPlayer = "PLAYER 1"; secondPlayer = "PLAYER 2"; /*Calculates which player needs to take a turn*/ func establishPlayer { para turns, p1, p2; auto player; if (turns%2 == 1) { player = p2; return player; } else { player = p1; return player; } } /*Normalisation to ensure that binary strings shown align and help to work out the best number to take from a particular pile*/ func normalise { para binaryString, precision; auto paddedbinaryString; prePad = ""; preLength = 0; for(preLength=0;preLength0) { c1 = int(str(s1[indexCount])); c2 = int(str(s2[indexCount])); c3 = int(str(s3[indexCount])); if (((c1+c2+c3) % 2) == 0) { binaryNimSumString = strcat("0", binaryNimSumString); } else { binaryNimSumString = strcat("1", binaryNimSumString); } indexCount--; } magnitudeIndex = binaryNimSumString#; magnitudeValue = 1; nimSumValue = 0; test = ""; while (magnitudeIndex > 0) { bChar = binaryNimSumString[magnitudeIndex]; if(bChar == '1') { nimSumValue = nimSumValue + magnitudeValue; } magnitudeValue = magnitudeValue * 2; magnitudeIndex--; } return nimSumValue; } /*Returns the binary string representation of a decimal number using the fewest number of bits*/ func decimalToBinary { para decimal, pad; auto st; st = ""; if (decimal==0) st= strcat("0",st); while (decimal > 0) { if((decimal % 2) > 0) { st = strcat("1", st); } else { st = strcat("0", st); } decimal = int(decimal / 2); }; return st; } /*The player who needs to take a turn*/ currentPlayer is establishPlayer(numberOfTurns, firstPlayer, secondPlayer); /* displaying the current player */ currentPlayerLabelTxt is currentPlayer; /* The name of the winning player */ winnerLabelTxt = ""; /* record of history */ binarySumHistoryLabelTxt = ""; /*The total number of tokens available from all piles*/ decimalSum is pileSizeOne + pileSizeTwo + pileSizeThree; /*The length that the binary strings shown need to be so that they align and help to work out the best number to take from a particular pile*/ nimSumLength is decimalToBinary(pileSizeMax)#; /*The Nim sum based upon the tokens remaining in each pile*/ currentNimSum is nimSum(pileSizeOne, pileSizeTwo, pileSizeThree, nimSumLength); /*Normalisation to ensure that binary strings shown align and help the player to work out the best number to take from a particular pile*/ pileSizeBinaryStringOne is normalise(decimalToBinary(pileSizeOne), nimSumLength); pileSizeBinaryStringTwo is normalise(decimalToBinary(pileSizeTwo), nimSumLength); pileSizeBinaryStringThree is normalise(decimalToBinary(pileSizeThree), nimSumLength); currentNimSumBinaryString is normalise(decimalToBinary(currentNimSum), nimSumLength); pileLabelOneTxt is str(pileSizeOne); currentBinarySumPileOneLabelTxt is pileSizeBinaryStringOne; currentBinarySumPileTwoLabelTxt is pileSizeBinaryStringTwo; currentBinarySumPileThreeLabelTxt is pileSizeBinaryStringThree; currentBinarySumLabelTxt is currentNimSumBinaryString; /*The response to a player removing a token from pile number 1*/ proc takePile1 : pileButtonOne_clicked { if (pileButtonOne_clicked==1){ if (pileSizeOne>0) { if (activePile == 0) { activePile=1; pileSizeOne--; } else if (activePile == 1) { pileSizeOne--; } } } } /*The response to a player removing a token from pile number 2*/ proc takePile2 : pileButtonTwo_clicked { if (pileButtonTwo_clicked==1){ if (pileSizeTwo>0) { if (activePile == 0) { activePile=2; pileSizeTwo--; } else if (activePile == 2) { pileSizeTwo--; } } } } /*The response to a player removing a token from pile number 3*/ proc takePile3 : pileButtonThree_clicked{ if (pileButtonThree_clicked==1){ if (pileSizeThree>0) { if (activePile == 0) { activePile=3; pileSizeThree--; } else if (activePile == 3) { pileSizeThree--; } } } } /*Declares a winner to be the current player if all piles become empty during a turn*/ proc declareWinner : decimalSum { if (decimalSum == 0) { winnerLabelTxt = str(currentPlayer); } } /*The response to a player ending their turn*/ proc endTurn : endTurnButton_clicked { if (endTurnButton_clicked==1) { if (activePile != 0) { activePile = 0; numberOfTurns++; history = binarySumHistoryLabelTxt; if (history == "") { binarySumHistoryLabelTxt = str(currentNimSum); } else { binarySumHistoryLabelTxt = history // "," // str(currentNimSum); } } } } /*The response to a player resetting all piles of tokens*/ proc resetGame : resetButton_clicked { if (resetButton_clicked==1) { pileSizeOne = rnd(14)+1; pileSizeTwo = rnd(14)+1; pileSizeThree = rnd(14)+1; numberOfTurns = 0; activePile = 0; binarySumHistoryLabelTxt = ""; winnerLabelTxt = ""; } }